Curines launches a new service for wealthy and tourists! Based on “WeChat” … –PR TIMES


Curines launches a new service for wealthy and tourists! Based on “WeChat” … –PR TIMES

キュリネスが富裕層・観光客向けの新サービスを開始!「WeChat」を ベースにした … – PR TIMES
⽇の丸リムジンの⾼品質なハイヤーサービス「LIMO TOKYO」と、宿泊施設におけるイ ンバウンド接客の課題解決と収益向上を⽀援する「QRHOTEL」がタッグを組み、…

Curines launches a new service for wealthy and tourists! Based on “WeChat” … –PR TIMES
The high -quality high -quality high -quality high -quality high -quality high -quality high -quality high -quality high -quality high -quality, “QRHOTEL”, which supports inbound customer service in accommodation facilities and improves profits, has formed a tag, …
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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