Removed / Tourist Pollution Myoke … Heat in tongue fighting to eliminate the congestion of the city bus, February 4, Kyoto mayor Yomiuri Shimbun Online


Removed / Tourist Pollution Myoke … Heat in tongue fighting to eliminate the congestion of the city bus, February 4, Kyoto mayor -online -Yomiuri Shimbun Online

脱・観光公害の妙手は…市バス混雑解消で舌戦に熱、2月4日京都市長選 – 読売新聞オンライン
【読売新聞】 2月4日に投開票される京都市長選で、観光公害 (オーバーツーリズム)の対策を巡る論戦が熱を帯びている。コロナ禍を経て観 光客が急増し、…

Removed / Tourist Pollution Myoke … Heat in tongue fighting to eliminate the congestion of the city bus, February 4, Kyoto mayor -online -Yomiuri Shimbun Online
[Yomiuri Shimbun] The Kyoto mayor’s election, which will be voted on February 4, has been heated over measures against sightseeing pollution (overtourism). Sightseeing customers have increased rapidly after the corona, and …
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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