A full course to taste crab miso using “Phantom Ganjin crab” starts | Walker Plus


A full course to taste crab miso using “Phantom Ganjin crab” starts | Walker Plus

幻の間人ガニ”を用いたカニ味噌を味わうフルコースが提供スタート |ウォーカープラス
150年以上続くカニの料亭旅館として、カニ料理を常に進化させていくことを表明し たく新フルコースを用意しました。ターゲットは富裕層、外国人観光客、グ ルメな…

A full course to taste crab miso using “Phantom Ganjin crab” starts | Walker Plus
We have prepared a new full course that we want to stain that crab dishes will always evolve as a crab restaurant ryokan that has been going on for more than 150 years. The target is wealthy, foreign tourists, gourmet …
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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