Everyone’s Square: High quality ride share = unemployed, Yuji Maeda, 67 | Mainichi Shimbun


Everyone’s Square: High quality ride share = unemployed, Yuji Maeda, 67 | Mainichi Shimbun

みんなの広場:質の高いライドシェアを=無職・前田裕司・67 | 毎日 新聞
外国に行くと日本のタクシーのサービスの質の高さを改めて感じる。その質の高さを 維持し、外国人観光客も安心して利用できる日本版ライドシェアの制度、運 用…

Everyone’s Square: High quality ride share = unemployed, Yuji Maeda, 67 | Mainichi Shimbun
When you go abroad, you will feel the high quality of Japanese taxi services. Maintain its quality and use foreign tourists with confidence, operation …
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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