While the good manners in the World Cup are in the spotlight … “Garbage problems” [Hyogo] | NIPPON …


While the good manners in the World Cup are in the spotlight … “Garbage problems” [Hyogo] | NIPPON …

W杯でのマナーの良さが脚光を浴びる一方・・・ 観光地を悩ませる“ご み問題” 【兵庫発】 | nippon …
紅葉の名所、京都・嵐山。見頃を迎え、木々が赤く色づいている。 新型コロ ナの影響で激減していた観光客ですが、今年は多くの人出が。10月からは水 際対策も…

While the good manners in the World Cup are in the spotlight … “Garbage problems” [Hyogo] | NIPPON …
Famous autumn leaves, Kyoto, Arashiyama. The trees are in full bloom and the trees are reddish. Tourism, which had dropped sharply due to the influence of the new Corona, this year there are many people. From October, we will also take measures against water squirrels & nbsp;
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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