SAMURAI JAPAN Director Ibata, Lotte and Aki Sasaki also want to transfer to off -major.


SAMURAI JAPAN Director Ibata, Lotte and Aki Sasaki also want to transfer to off -major.

侍ジャパン・井端監督、ロッテ・佐々木朗希に「エース格として期待 」 来オフメジャー移籍希望も …
野球日本代表「侍ジャパン」の井端弘和監督が4日、吉見一起投手コーチとともに、 沖縄・石垣島のロッテ春季キャンプを訪問。吉井監督らにあいさ…

SAMURAI JAPAN Director Ibata, Lotte and Aki Sasaki also want to transfer to off -major.
Hirokazu Ibata, director of the Japan National Baseball Japan National Team, visited the Lotte Spring Camp in Ishigaki Island, Okinawa, along with a pitcher coach Yoshimi on the 4th. Aisa to Yoshii and others …
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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