Nine billions of Chinese beings are expected to move in front of the Spring New Year holidays peaked (February 5, 2024) –Youtube


Nine billions of Chinese beings are expected to move in front of the Spring New Year holidays peaked (February 5, 2024) –Youtube

中国 のべ90億人が移動の予想 春節休みを前に移動がピークに(2024年 2月5日) – YouTube
… 人はすでにのべ1億人を超えていて、今年の春節ではのべ90億人 … 盛岡に 外国人観光客急増…魅力は“B面の隠れた名曲”日本人も知らない「大事な…

Nine billions of Chinese beings are expected to move in front of the Spring New Year holidays peaked (February 5, 2024) –Youtube
… people have already exceeded 100 million people, and this year’s spring annex is 9 billion … foreign tourists rapidly increased in Morioka … The appeal is “hidden B side. A masterpiece “important …
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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