“I was able to slide back for the first time” Smile link Sapporo opening … Miki Ando’s “Show & Skating Class …


“I was able to slide back for the first time” Smile link Sapporo opening … Miki Ando’s “Show & Skating Class …

「初めて後ろ滑りができた」スマイルリンクさっぽろ開幕…安藤美姫さ んの“ショー&スケート教室 …
… 人たちが氷の上の美しい滑りに見入っていました。 また、小学生を対象にした スケート教室も行われ、安藤さんが約20人 … 盛岡に外国人観光客急増…魅 力は“B面の…

“I was able to slide back for the first time” Smile link Sapporo opening … Miki Ando’s “Show & Skating Class …
… people were watching the beautiful slips on the ice. In addition, skating classes for elementary school students are also held, and about 20 people Ando are foreign tourists in Morioka … The attraction is “B -side …
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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