It’s stupid to buy real estate in Tokyo, Mr. Trump’s first visit to Japan interview | Kyodo News -Nordot


It’s stupid to buy real estate in Tokyo, Mr. Trump’s first visit to Japan interview | Kyodo News -Nordot

<あのころ>東京で不動産買うのは愚か 初来日のトランプ氏が会見 | 共同通信 – Nordot
1990(平成2)年2月9日、米国の不動産王、ドナルド・トランプ氏が初来日し、都内で記者会見。2017年に米大統領に就任する同氏は、日本企業の対米不動 産投資…

It’s stupid to buy real estate in Tokyo, Mr. Trump’s first visit to Japan interview | Kyodo News -Nordot
On February 9, 1990 (Heisei 2), Donald Trump, the US real estate king, visited Japan for the first time in a press conference in Tokyo. He became U.S. President in 2017, with Japanese companies’ real estate investment …
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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