Messi and Iniesta smile! Former Barça Warriors Gathering of Suarez, Alba, and Busquets -YouTube


Messi and Iniesta smile! Former Barça Warriors Gathering of Suarez, Alba, and Busquets -YouTube

メッシとイニエスタが笑顔! スアレス、アルバ、ブスケツらかつての バルサ戦士集結 – YouTube
来日パーティー会場では笑顔で談笑するシーンが見られた。 また、本映像の 冒頭部分は、2月5日 … 来日(空港到着&来日パーティー映像 ). 52 views · 38 minutes…

Messi and Iniesta smile! Former Barça Warriors Gathering of Suarez, Alba, and Busquets -YouTube
Come to Japan At the party venue, a scene was seen with a smile. In addition, the opening part of this video is February 5 … Visit to Japan (airport arrival & visit to Japan party video). 52 views · 38 minutes .
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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