Kyoto Shakado “Daikon” (December 7, 2022, Kamigyo -ku, Kyoto)


Kyoto Shakado “Daikon” (December 7, 2022, Kamigyo -ku, Kyoto)

京都・千本釈迦堂「大根だき」(2022年12月7日 京都市上京区)
京都市上京区の千本釈迦堂で12月7日、無病息災を祈る師走の風物詩「大根だ き」が3年ぶりに行われた。冷え込みの厳しい冬空の下、湯気を上げる大鍋から…

Kyoto Shakado “Daikon” (December 7, 2022, Kamigyo -ku, Kyoto)
Kyoto At Senmoto Shakado in Kamigyo -ku, on December 7th, a good poetry “radish” was held for the first time in three years. Under the severe winter sky, from the large pot to raise the steam & nbsp; …
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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