“It’s so bad for the Japanese!” “Everything is too expensive.”


“It’s so bad for the Japanese!” “Everything is too expensive.”

「日本人にはムリ!」「いくらなんでも高すぎる」…海鮮丼1食約 7000円、豊洲で話題の …
2月1日にオープンした、江戸グルメを堪能できる新施設「豊洲 千客万来」がにぎわ っている。なかでも1食約7000円の海鮮丼は完全インバウンド向けの価格設定…

“It’s so bad for the Japanese!” “Everything is too expensive.”
The new facility “Toyosu Sennin Mandai”, which opened on February 1, where you can enjoy Edo gourmet is crowded. Above all, seafood bowls with a total of 7000 yen per food are priced for complete inbound
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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