Foreign university entrance examination = Akihiro Kawakami (Tokyo Social Department) –Mainichi Shimbun


Foreign university entrance examination = Akihiro Kawakami (Tokyo Social Department) –Mainichi Shimbun

外国人たちの大学受験=川上晃弘(東京社会部) – 毎日新聞
地元の学校を卒業後、上海の日系企業で働いていた。妻もいたが、一念発起して1年 半前に来日した。 「中国も日本も学歴社会ですが、私…

Foreign university entrance examination = Akihiro Kawakami (Tokyo Social Department) –Mainichi Shimbun
After graduating from a local school, he worked for a Japanese company in Shanghai. He had a wife, but he came to Japan a year and a half ago and Japan. “Both China and Japan are educated society, but I …
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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