Tourists are flooded during the spring holidays … the east “East” area of ​​Hokkaido is hot! 3000 people a day in Lake Akan [N Story commentary]


Tourists are flooded during the spring holidays … the east “East” area of ​​Hokkaido is hot! 3000 people a day in Lake Akan [N Story commentary]

春節休暇で観光客が殺到…北海道の東側”道東”エリアがアツい!阿寒湖 に1日3000人【Nスタ解説】
外国人観光客に面白いと思ってもらい来てもらえるならOK!」とのことで した。 ホランキャスター: SNSでこういった観光地が、ある意味口コミ的に広まって いく…

Tourists are flooded during the spring holidays … the east “East” area of ​​Hokkaido is hot! 3000 people a day in Lake Akan [N Story commentary]
If you can come and come to foreign tourists and come and come, OK! Horan Caster: Such sightseeing spots on SNS, in a sense, spread in word -of -mouth …
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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