Foreign tourists visiting Japan again overflowing in the towns and temples of Kyoto … Japan standing at the “Tourism Country” and “Tourist Death” crossroads …


Foreign tourists visiting Japan again overflowing in the towns and temples of Kyoto … Japan standing at the “Tourism Country” and “Tourist Death” crossroads …

京都の町や寺に再び溢れ出した訪日外国人観光客…「観光立国」「観光 亡国」岐路に立つ日本は …
新型コロナで減った訪日外国人観光客も今や急回復。日本政府観光局 (JNTO)によれば、2023年10月の訪日客数は、コロナ流行前の19年同月を既に上回っ たそう。

Foreign tourists visiting Japan again overflowing in the towns and temples of Kyoto … Japan standing at the “Tourism Country” and “Tourist Death” crossroads …
Foreigners visiting Japan sightseeing, which have been reduced by the new colona, ​​are now recovering. According to the Japanese government Sightseeing, the number of visitors to Japan in October 2023 has already exceeded the same month before Corona’s epidemic.
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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