Temple University will set up a new campus in Kyoto city in January next year.


Temple University will set up a new campus in Kyoto city in January next year.

テンプル大学、京都市内に新キャンパスを設置 開学は来年1月予定
専攻学科は国際ビジネスや心理研究、観光・ホスピタリティマネジメントな どがある。 9日に京都府庁であった記者会見で、マシュー・ウィルソン学長 は「東京…

Temple University will set up a new campus in Kyoto city in January next year.
The departments have international business, psychological research, sightseeing and hospitality management. At a press conference that was Kyoto on the 9th, President Matthew Wilson said, “Tokyo …
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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