“Anyway, I have to do my best now.” The impact of the Noto Peninsula earthquake is in Kanazawa … Inbound customers have dropped sharply …


“Anyway, I have to do my best now.” The impact of the Noto Peninsula earthquake is in Kanazawa … Inbound customers have dropped sharply …

「とにかく今は頑張って続けるしかない」能登半島地震の影響は金沢で も… インバウンド客激減で …
能登半島地震は、日本を訪れる外国人観光客の旅行先にも影響を及ぼしてい ます。金沢市のゲストハウスでは地震発生後、宿泊客のキャンセルが相次ぎ先行き に…

“Anyway, I have to do my best now.” The impact of the Noto Peninsula earthquake is in Kanazawa … Inbound customers have dropped sharply …
The Noto Peninsula earthquake also affects the travel destination of foreign tourists visiting Japan. In the guest house in Kanazawa City, after the earthquake occurs, the cancellation of the guests will be in the future …
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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