To a society where funerals can be considered more positively through Capserty. Capsule collection “Buddhist equipment …


To a society where funerals can be considered more positively through Capserty. Capsule collection “Buddhist equipment …

カプセルトイを通じて葬儀をもっと前向きに考えられる社会へ。カプセ ルコレクション「仏具 …
株式会社ターリン・インターナショナル(本社:東京都墨田区、代表取締役社長:佐 藤直志)は、東京観光専門学校 葬祭ディレクター学科監修のもと仏具5種 を…

To a society where funerals can be considered more positively through Capserty. Capsule collection “Buddhist equipment …
Tarlin International Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Sumida -ku, Tokyo; President and CEO: Naoshi Sato) is 5 kinds of Buddhist tools under the supervision of Tokyo Sightseeing Funeral Director of Funeral Schools
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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