Aiming for the Spring New Year? Annoying “White Taku” Many people in Japan are also arrested in Japan | KHB East Japan Broadcasting


Aiming for the Spring New Year? Annoying “White Taku” Many people in Japan are also arrested in Japan | KHB East Japan Broadcasting

春節狙い?迷惑“白タク”多発 日本でもにぎわい復活 逮捕者も | khb東 日本放送
警察官が一斉摘発に乗り出したのは、空港の前に停車した「白いナンバー」の外 国人ドライバーです。自家用車に有料で客を乗せている場合はナンバーが白のま ま…

Aiming for the Spring New Year? Annoying “White Taku” Many people in Japan are also arrested in Japan | KHB East Japan Broadcasting
Police officers have begun the foreign driver of the “white number” that stopped in front of the airport. If the passenger is on a private car for a fee, the number is white
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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