Establishment of “Human Security” | News -Komeito Party


Establishment of “Human Security” | News -Komeito Party

「人間の安全保障」確立を | ニュース – 公明党
公明党の山口那津男代表は14日午前、衆院第1議員会館で、初来日した国連の デニス・フランシス総会議長と会談し、ロシアのウクライナ侵略やパレスチナ情 勢…

Establishment of “Human Security” | News -Komeito Party
On the morning of the 14th, the Komeito Party Natsuo, the representative of the Komeito party, met with the UN Dennis Francis Chairman of the United Nations, the first Dennis Francis Chamber of the House of Representatives in the House of Representatives, and the invasion of Ukraine in Russia and the Palestine situation & nbsp ;. ..
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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