Tsunami evacuation guidance quickly training at the remote island terminal -Yaeyama Mainichi Shimbun


Tsunami evacuation guidance quickly training at the remote island terminal -Yaeyama Mainichi Shimbun

津波避難 誘導迅速に 離島ターミナルで訓練 – 八重山毎日新聞社
2023年度ユーグレナ石垣港離島ターミナル津波避難防災訓練(石垣市主催)が16日午 前、行われた。外国人や負傷者などの模擬観光客、保育園児らが避難 者役…

Tsunami evacuation guidance quickly training at the remote island terminal -Yaeyama Mainichi Shimbun
In 2023, Euglena Ishigaki Port Remote Island Terminal Terminal Evacuation Training (sponsored by Ishigaki City) was held on the morning of the 16th. Foreigners and injured people Tourists, nursery school children are evacuees …
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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