Rodriguez, a development of Chunichi, the second run of “The first hit in Japan and the first RBI” in the second time [1 army practice match]


Rodriguez, a development of Chunichi, the second run of “The first hit in Japan and the first RBI” in the second time [1 army practice match]

中日育成のロドリゲス、2回に『来日初安打&初打点』の先制二塁打【 1軍練習試合】
来日初安打は左翼線への先制適時二塁打。二塁上で左手を突き上げた。 ロド リゲスはキューバ出身。第2クールから北谷組の練習に参加すると、俊敏な動き…

Rodriguez, a development of Chunichi, the second run of “The first hit in Japan and the first RBI” in the second time [1 army practice match]
Facing Japan The first hitting is a timely double -run on the left wing line. He pushed his left hand on the second base. Rodriguez is from Cuba. From the second cool to the Kitaya Gumi practice, it is agile
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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