Stevenson is “5th, left wing” 2 hits 2 hits 2 steals -Sports alert


[Nippon Ham] Stevenson is “5th, left wing” 2 hits 2 hits 2 steals -Sports alert

【日本ハム】スティーブンソンが「5番・左翼」で2打数2安打2盗 塁 – スポーツ報知
来日初打点をマークした。 初回1死満塁で迎えた第1打席。1ボールか ら相手右腕の内角直球を振り抜き、痛烈に右前へはじき返した。俊足巧打の助っ人 は、15日…

[Nippon Ham] Stevenson is “5th, left wing” 2 hits 2 hits 2 steals -Sports alert
Come to Japan I marked the first RBI. The first at -bat greeted by the first dead base. He swung out the inner angle of the opponent’s right arm from one ball and turned back to the right. The helper who hits a quick -footed hit is 15th …
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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