People in Shibuya … what are you looking for? Beyond the large line of Chinese tourists … –Yahoo! News


People in Shibuya … what are you looking for? Beyond the large line of Chinese tourists … –Yahoo! News

渋谷に人だかり…お目当ては? 中国人観光客の大行列の先に… – Yahoo!ニュース
中国人観光客(30代) 「体験することを重視して旅行をしています。日本で はまずリラックスすること、次にグルメ、そして買い物です」 □“爆買い”→“爆映え ”中国…

People in Shibuya … what are you looking for? Beyond the large line of Chinese tourists … –Yahoo! News
China Tourists (30s) “I’m traveling with emphasis on experiencing. Relax in Japan, then gourmet, and then shopping.” “Explosion” China …
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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