The bereaved family of the NZ earthquake will attend the memorial ceremony for departure to the site | NHK Toyama News


The bereaved family of the NZ earthquake will attend the memorial ceremony for departure to the site | NHK Toyama News

NZ地震の遺族が現地に向け出発 追悼式典に出席へ|NHK 富山県のニ ュース
2020年には、クライストチャーチの市長が来日し、「ビルの構造には欠 陥があり建築許可を出した市にも道義的な責任がある」などとして遺族らに対して正 式に…

The bereaved family of the NZ earthquake will attend the memorial ceremony for departure to the site | NHK Toyama News
In 2020, the mayor of Christ Church came to Japan, and said, “The structure of the building is defective and the city that has issued a construction permit is also a moral responsibility.” On the other hand, …
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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