The “Kyoto Marathon” is a fight against unexpected heat … physical condition …


The “Kyoto Marathon” is a fight against unexpected heat … physical condition …

近畿各地ポカポカ陽気で20度超えの地点も 「京都マラソン」は想定 外の暑さとの戦いに…体調 …
18日の近畿地方は気温が上がり、各地で4月並みの暖かさとなりました。今日の近 畿地方は南から暖かい空気が流れ込んだ影響で、各地で気温が上がり、最高…

The “Kyoto Marathon” is a fight against unexpected heat … physical condition …
In the Kinki region on the 18th, the temperature rose, and the warmth was as warm as April in various places. In the Kinki region today, the temperature rises in various places due to warm air flowing from the south, and the highest
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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