Librand announced in CEO. New for Japanese people, such as telephone support and inn comparison tools 24 hours a day


Librand announced in CEO. New for Japanese people, such as telephone support and inn comparison tools 24 hours a day

CEO来日でリブランド発表。24時間年中無休の電話サポートや宿比較 ツールなど日本人向け新 …
エクスペディアは2月20日、八重洲・ブルガリホテル東京で記者発表会を行なった。 世界70か国以上で展開する総合旅行ブランド「エクスペディア」が日本での…

Librand announced in CEO. New for Japanese people, such as telephone support and inn comparison tools 24 hours a day
Expedia held a reporter presentation at Yaesu Bulgari Hotel Tokyo on February 20. The comprehensive travel brand “Expedia”, which is developed in 70 or more countries around the world, is …
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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