GDP negative fears in the January -March quarter and a household budget Shunsuke Motoya | Weekly Economist Online


GDP negative fears in the January -March quarter and a household budget Shunsuke Motoya | Weekly Economist Online

1~3月期もGDPマイナスの恐れ 積極さに欠ける企業と家計 藻谷俊介 | 週刊エコノミスト Online
困ったことに、好調だったインバウンド需要もここに来て収縮を始めている。日本政 府観光局の訪日外客数や、観光庁の外国人旅行総取扱 額は、季節調整をかけて…

GDP negative fears in the January -March quarter and a household budget Shunsuke Motoya | Weekly Economist Online
Unfortunately, the strong inbound demand has begun to shrink here. The Japanese government sightseeing station visits to Japan number of customers and tourism foreigners Adjust …
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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