Matching hotels and foreign residents who want to capture visitors to Japan “Okinawa Startup Program …


Matching hotels and foreign residents who want to capture visitors to Japan “Okinawa Startup Program …

訪日客を取り込みたいホテルと在留外国人をマッチング 「オキナワ・ スタートアップ・プログラム …
SOCIALPORT(ソーシャルポート、東京)は、インバウンド(訪日客)を取 り込みたい宿泊施設と、自国に向けてSNSで情報発信する日本在留外国人を…

Matching hotels and foreign residents who want to capture visitors to Japan “Okinawa Startup Program …
SOCIALPORT (social port, Tokyo) is an accommodation that wants to incorporate inbound (visitors to Japan) and a Japanese residence foreign that sends information on SNS to its own country
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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