The end of the war, peace in the homeland … Invasion of Ukraine 2 years, refugees prayer at churches in Tokyo


The end of the war, peace in the homeland … Invasion of Ukraine 2 years, refugees prayer at churches in Tokyo

戦争終結を、祖国に平和を…ウクライナ侵攻2年、避難民が東京都内の教 会で祈禱会
カテリーナさんは18年前に来日し、侵攻後に母親(70)を呼び寄せた。2人の 姉は首都キーウなどに住み、2人のいとこが南部ヘルソンなどの前線で従軍してい る…

The end of the war, peace in the homeland … Invasion of Ukraine 2 years, refugees prayer at churches in Tokyo
Caterina came to Japan 18 years ago and called her mother (70) after the invasion. The two sisters live in the capital, Kiu, and the two cousins ​​are serving on the front line such as the southern Helson …
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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