A diver in Wajima, a crisis for hundreds of years of tradition due to hand handed evacuation and underwater umbrellas … “Ama -chan” support from location and Shima


A diver in Wajima, a crisis for hundreds of years of tradition due to hand -to -handed evacuation and underwater umbrellas … “Ama -chan” support from location and Shima

輪島の海女、担い手避難や海底隆起で数百年の伝統に危機…「あまちゃ ん」ロケ地や志摩から支援
地震後、約3分の2の海女が市外に避難しており、漁ができない期間が長引けば、海 女漁の技の継承も危ぶまれる状況だ。 寄付を呼びかける谷口さん(右)ら。

A diver in Wajima, a crisis for hundreds of years of tradition due to hand -to -handed evacuation and underwater umbrellas … “Ama -chan” support from location and Shima
After the earthquake, about two -thirds of divers have evacuated outside the city, and if the period cannot be fished, the inheritance of seafood fishing skills will be in danger. Taniguchi (right) calling for donations.
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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