Awamori Festa Foreign Tourist Drinks on Haneda International flights | Okinawa Times + Plus


Awamori Festa Foreign Tourist Drinks on Haneda International flights | Okinawa Times + Plus

羽田国際線で泡盛フェスタ 外国人観光客飲み比べ | 沖縄タイムス+プ ラス
【東京】日本の玄関口で外国人に泡盛をPR-。「羽田空港泡盛フェスタ2 024」(主催・沖縄国税事務所)が23、24の両日、羽田空港の国際線ターミナ ル…

Awamori Festa Foreign Tourist Drinks on Haneda International flights | Okinawa Times + Plus
[Tokyo] PR Awamori to foreigners at the gateway to Japan. “Haneda Airport Awamori Festa 2024” (sponsored by Okinawa National Tax Office) on the 23rd and 24th, the international terminal …
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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