Come and touch and touch and touch fossils and mobilized museums in Gunma / Meiwa -cho | News Site of Jomo Shimbun


Come and touch and touch and touch fossils and mobilized museums in Gunma / Meiwa -cho | News Site of Jomo Shimbun

来て見て触って 化石や剥製 25日まで群馬・明和町で移動博物館 | 上 毛新聞社のニュースサイト
群馬県立自然史博物館(富岡市)の移動博物館が24日、明和町中央公民館で始まっ た。恐竜の化石や動物の剝製など約100点が並び、多くの親子連れでにぎわって…

Come and touch and touch and touch fossils and mobilized museums in Gunma / Meiwa -cho | News Site of Jomo Shimbun
The mobile museum of the Gunma Prefectural Natural History Museum (Tomioka City) began on the 24th at the Meiwa Town Central Community Center. Approximately 100 points such as dinosaur fossils and animals made of animals are lined up with many parents and children
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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