The country that Chinese tourists want to go to, the number of visitors to Japan is the second place, but the number of visits to Japan is recovered [Return to China Spring New Year 2024]


The country that Chinese tourists want to go to, the number of visitors to Japan is the second place, but the number of visits to Japan is recovered [Return to China Spring New Year 2024]

中国人観光客が行きたい国、2位に日本 一方で訪日数は回復途上【中国 春節2024振り返り】
発表されたデータをもとに、春節期間中の中国人観光客の移動や、人気だっ た海外旅行先について解説します。 「訪日ラボ」の最新インバウンドノウハウが配 信され…

The country that Chinese tourists want to go to, the number of visitors to Japan is the second place, but the number of visits to Japan is recovered [Return to China Spring New Year 2024]
Based on the data announced, we will explain the movement of Chinese tourists during the Spring New Year and popular overseas travel destinations. The latest inbound know -how of “Lab Visit Lab” is delivered …
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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