News -Weekly Tora Sports -Approximately Growth! Hand tightening of smile and confidence -Hanshin Tigers


News -Weekly Tora Sports -Approximately Growth! Hand tightening of smile and confidence -Hanshin Tigers

ニュース – 週刊虎スポ – 一回り成長!笑顔と自信の手締め – 阪神タ イガース
来日して覚えた日本語も増えて来ている。日本で食した担々麺の感想を訊か れ「スバラシイ!」と返答。周囲の笑いを誘っていた。 MVPは岡留&前川. 26日 (月)…

News -Weekly Tora Sports -Approximately Growth! Hand tightening of smile and confidence -Hanshin Tigers
I came to Japan and the number of Japanese I learned is increasing. He was asked about the impression of Tandan noodles in Japan and replied, “Subarashii!” I was inviting the surrounding laughter. MVP is Okadashi & amp; Maekawa. 26th (Mon) …
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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