[Yano Economic Research Institute Press Release] Survey on the Domestic Clock Market (2024 … – Dream News


[Yano Economic Research Institute Press Release] Survey on the Domestic Clock Market (2024 … – Dream News

【矢野経済研究所プレスリリース】国内時計市場に関する調査を実施 (2024年 … – ドリームニュース
富裕層を中心に実物資産として高級時計の売れ行きが好調となったこと、訪日外 国人観光客によるインバウンド需要が復活しつつあること、SNS等の販促が奏功 し…

[Yano Economic Research Institute Press Release] Survey on the Domestic Clock Market (2024 … – Dream News
The sales of luxury watches as a real asset, mainly in the wealthy, the inbound demand for foreign tourists visiting Japan is being revived, and promotion of SNS and other promotions has been successful …
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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