Chinese tourists who forgot their passport on a Korean bus, when rushed to the police … = Korean net “Because it’s Korea …


Chinese tourists who forgot their passport on a Korean bus, when rushed to the police … = Korean net “Because it’s Korea …

韓国のバスにパスポートを忘れた中国人観光客、警察に駆け込むと …=韓国ネット「韓国だから …
この記事を見た韓国のネットユーザーからは「素晴らしい警察官」「外国で 落としものをしたら大パニックになるだろうな。本当に良かった」と肯定的な声が上 がって…

Chinese tourists who forgot their passport on a Korean bus, when rushed to the police … = Korean net “Because it’s Korea …
A positive voice from a Korean net user who saw this article said, “A wonderful police officer” and “If you drop it in foreign, it will be a big panic. It was really good.” ; …
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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