Foreign guests 186,000 people Updated the highest number of people from Taiwan Half of Taiwan / Fukushima | Mainichi Shimbun


Foreign guests 186,000 people Updated the highest number of people from Taiwan Half of Taiwan / Fukushima | Mainichi Shimbun

外国人宿泊客18.6万人 過去最多を更新 台湾からが半数 /福島 | 毎 日新聞
2023年に県内で宿泊した外国人は延べ18万6160人で、観光庁が調査を始めた 07年以来の過去最多となった。台湾からの観光客を中心に前年より15万 5210人増え、…

Foreign guests 186,000 people Updated the highest number of people from Taiwan Half of Taiwan / Fukushima | Mainichi Shimbun
There were a total of 186,160 foreigners in the prefecture in 2023, the highest since 2007, when the Tourism Agency began investigating. Increased by 155,210 from the previous year, mainly tourists from Taiwan,
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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