Monday Premier 8 World! People who want to go to Nippon “Ramen” Polish people (TV Tokyo)


Monday Premier 8 World! People who want to go to Nippon “Ramen” Polish people (TV Tokyo)

月曜プレミア8 世界!ニッポン行きたい人応援団 “らーめん”愛すポー ランド人(テレ東
そこで、今回の来日に合わせ1日限りお店を復活させることに!師匠直伝の 味をバルトシュさんが作り、常連さんにふるまう!果たして、常連さんの反応は…

Monday Premier 8 World! People who want to go to Nippon “Ramen” Polish people (TV Tokyo)
So, we decided to revive the store for one day only for this visit to Japan! Bartish makes the taste of the teacher directly and serves as a regular! Indeed, the response of the regular is …
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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