“Double Refugee” who fled twice from Myanmar to come to Japan with a military administration’s overthrowed demonstration → Return to Democratization … –Belight


“Double Refugee” who fled twice from Myanmar to come to Japan with a military administration’s overthrowed demonstration → Return to Democratization … –Belight

ミャンマーから2度逃れた“ダブル難民” 軍事政権打倒デモで来日→民主 化で帰国 … – 北海道新聞
地獄に落ちたような気分」で家族と別れ、96年に来日。法務省入国管理局 (現出入国在留管理庁)に難民認定を申請した。 日本の難民審査は厳しく、認定さ れる…

“Double Refugee” who fled twice from Myanmar to come to Japan with a military administration’s overthrowed demonstration → Return to Democratization … –Belight
He separated from his family with the feeling of falling into hell, and came to Japan in 1996. We have applied for refugee certification to the Ministry of Justice Immigration Bureau (currently the Immigration Agency for Residence Management). Japan’s refugee screening is strict and recognized …
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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