Corporate corporate statistics for October-December terms, the Ministry of Finance by 13 % of regular profits of all industries |


Corporate corporate statistics for October-December terms, the Ministry of Finance by 13 % of regular profits of all industries |

10-12月期の法人企業統計、全産業の経常益13%増 財務省 | 日刊工業 新聞 電子版
半導体部品などの供給制約の緩和による自動車の増産で輸送用機械が大幅な増益とな ったほか、インバウンド(訪日外国人観光客の増加など客数の回復 や価格…

Corporate corporate statistics for October-December terms, the Ministry of Finance by 13 % of regular profits of all industries |
Transport machinery increased significantly due to increased production of automobiles due to the easing semiconductor parts, etc., and increased inbound (visiting Japan foreigners) increased tourists. Recovery of the number of customers and price …
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