Interceect, “cashless” “Walk -through type that does not pass through cash registers” unmanned stores …


Interceect, “cashless” “Walk -through type that does not pass through cash registers” unmanned stores …

インタセクト、「キャッシュレス」「レジを通らないウォークスルー型 」無人店舗を関西国際空港 …
また、2025年に開催される大阪・関西万博に向けて、インバウンド客1500万人達成を 目指すロードマップが示されています。しかし、宿泊業界や飲食業界は人手不足…

Interceect, “cashless” “Walk -through type that does not pass through cash registers” unmanned stores …
In addition, a roadmap is shown to achieve 15 million inbound customers for the Osaka and Kensai Expo held in 2025. However, the accommodation industry and the food and beverage industry are short of manpower
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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