Infineon, aggregation of ARM Core Micon for Industrial and Consumer in the “PSOC” brand |


Infineon, aggregation of ARM Core Micon for Industrial and Consumer in the “PSOC” brand |

Infineon、産業・民生用Armコアマイコンを「PSoC」ブランドに集約 | 日経クロステック(xTECH)
来日した同社のサム ジャハ(Sam Geha)氏(ICW事業担当 エグゼクティブ バイスプレジデント)が開いた報道機関向け会見で明らかにした(図1)。

Infineon, aggregation of ARM Core Micon for Industrial and Consumer in the “PSOC” brand |
Figure 1) was opened by Sam Jaha (ICW Business Executive Vice President), who came to Japan (ICW Business Executive Vice President) (Figure 1).
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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