1.5 million people in a town with a population of 2700 people a year … In Mt.


1.5 million people in a town with a population of 2700 people a year … In Mt.

人口2700人の町に年間150万人が…高野山で『入山税』議論 トイレ清掃 や駐車場警備で負担 一方 …
外国の方は難しいですから。今はインバウンドも含めまして7割の方が 観光を目的としたお参りになっていると思います」 (チェコ共和国から来た 人)「日本の…

1.5 million people in a town with a population of 2700 people a year … In Mt.
foreign is difficult. Now, including inbound, 70 % of the people are visiting for sightseeing. “(People from the Czech Republic)” Japanese …
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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