More than 1000 “Capserty” in Sapporo department stores! Birth of the largest specialty store in Hokkaido … –FNN Prime Online


More than 1000 “Capserty” in Sapporo department stores! Birth of the largest specialty store in Hokkaido … –FNN Prime Online

札幌のデパートに“カプセルトイ”1000台以上! 道内最大級の専門店誕 生 … – FNNプライムオンライン
大人から子供まで魅了 外国人観光客にも人気…新たな客層開拓に. 北海道文 化放送. 2024年3月7日 木曜 午後9:00. 北海道文化放送 の最新記事をトップページ に表示…

More than 1000 “Capserty” in Sapporo department stores! Birth of the largest specialty store in Hokkaido … –FNN Prime Online
It is also popular among adults to children Foreign tourists … new customer group development. Hokkaido Cultural Broadcasting. Thursday, March 7, 2024, 9:00 pm. Display on the page …
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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