Giant raccoon dogs in front of Shigaraki Station, Santa Claus, 60 raccoon dogs at home -Yahoo! News


Giant raccoon dogs in front of Shigaraki Station, Santa Claus, 60 raccoon dogs at home -Yahoo! News

信楽駅前の巨大タヌキ、サンタクロースに「変身」 ホームのタヌキ 60体も – Yahoo!ニュース
作業は午前10時に始まり、信楽町観光協会の関係者7人が慣れた様子で赤白の帽 子 … 「私のタクシーに乗ると太りますよ」 京都観光客に人気、運転手の 手帳の…

Giant raccoon dogs in front of Shigaraki Station, Santa Claus, 60 raccoon dogs at home -Yahoo! News
The work started at 10:00 am, and the Shigaraki Town Tourism Association’s seven people involved were used to the red -white hat … “I will get fat when I take my taxi” Kyoto sightseeing customers. Popular, driver’s notebook & nbsp; …
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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