Did the TV know the “problem” of Sea In, which opened in Harajuku, Tokyo? -Nifty News


Did the TV know the “problem” of Sea In, which opened in Harajuku, Tokyo? -Nifty News

東京・原宿に出店したシーインの「問題」をテレビは知っていたか? – ニフティニュース
『週刊プレイボーイ』で「挑発的ニッポン革命計画」を連載中の国際ジャーナリス ト、モーリー・ロバートソンが、シーインの日本初出店で気になったこととは――…

Did the TV know the “problem” of Sea In, which opened in Harajuku, Tokyo? -Nifty News
What was the international journalist, Morley Robertson, who is serializing the “Provocatative Nippon Revolution Plan” in “Weekly Playboy”, what was concerned about Sea In’s first store in Japan – & nbsp;
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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