65 storehouse (company) Approximately 250 brands gather! Kansai’s largest sake festival “SAKE WORLD SUMMIT IN KYOTO” 3 …


65 storehouse (company) Approximately 250 brands gather! Kansai’s largest sake festival “SAKE WORLD SUMMIT IN KYOTO” 3 …

65蔵(社)約250銘柄が集結!関西最大級の日本酒の祭典『Sake World Summit in KYOTO』が3 …
… (土)に京都・岡崎にある[京都市勧業館みやこめっせ]で、日 本酒の祭典『Sake World Summit in KYOTO … 観光・おでかけ · イ ベント.

65 storehouse (company) Approximately 250 brands gather! Kansai’s largest sake festival “SAKE WORLD SUMMIT IN KYOTO” 3 …
… (Sat) Kyoto and Okazaki [ Kyoto City Society Miller Museum Miyakomesse, “Sake World Summit in Kyoto … Sightseeing ・ Outing & middot; event.
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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