Tamiro Shiki, who opened in the era of the pods: Takamitsu Oyama | The postwar history of the Cabinet Investigation Room and the “Kikoshi / Public opinion”


Tamiro Shiki, who opened in the era of the pods: Takamitsu Oyama | The postwar history of the Cabinet Investigation Room and the “Kikoshi / Public opinion”

論壇の時代に端緒を開いた志垣民郎:大山貴稔 | 内閣調査室と「輿論 /世論」の戦後史
… 日. お気に入り登録. 社会秩序流動化の時代だった戦後占領期から1960年代、進 歩的文化人の勢いに抗するべく知識人層への働きかけが模索された[アイゼンハワー 来…

Tamiro Shiki, who opened in the era of the pods: Takamitsu Oyama | The postwar history of the Cabinet Investigation Room and the “Kikoshi / Public opinion”
… Sunday. Favorite registration. In the postwar occupation period, it was an era of social order dynamism, from the 1960s to work on intellectuals to resist the momentum of advanced cultural people [Eisen Hower Next .. .
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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