Inuyama Castle Town, Kimono “White Gots” Women’s Fox Transion, 37 people walking -Chunichi Shimbun Web


Inuyama Castle Town, Kimono “White Gots” Women’s Fox Transion, 37 people walking -Chunichi Shimbun Web

犬山城下町に着物姿の「白ギツネ」 女狐行列、37人練り歩く – 中日新 聞Web
太鼓や三味線の音とともに行列は三光稲荷をスタート。派手な一行が登場すると、居 合わせた外国人観光客らがカメラを向けて写真を撮っていた。 (水越直 哉…

Inuyama Castle Town, Kimono “White Gots” Women’s Fox Transion, 37 people walking -Chunichi Shimbun Web
The line started Sanko Inari with the sound of drums and shamisen. When a flashy party appeared, foreign tourists, who were present, turned photos with the camera. (Naoya Mizukoshi …
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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